Lessons learned on TSN

Here is what I learned going over my TSN trade from earlier this month: Keep your horizon to a size you can manage and try not lose track of current setups Do not completely discard an idea because you have to get out now protect your assets. Hit the sidelines but...

Technical Screens for 11/14/06

Never got around to really looking at those yesterday. Today should be better. Here are the lists for today. Golden cross between the 50-day moving average and 200-day moving average. BIIB, DSL, GMT, GR, HDY, HIS, IYT, JBK, KMR, MPX, NBG, RCL, SBW, TRK, TS, XKP Death...

Technical Screens for 11/13/06

I know I have been pretty quiet recently. Work is insane for one and, as my previous posts have shown, my trading has been horrible. I am not changing anything per say but I am reviewing and scrutinizing everything I do a lot more. I am trying some screens, all...

MyMoneyBlog Contest

Referred there by Maoxian who was referred by Ugly, I visited MyMoneyBlog today and found it very interesting. Tons of information for anyone who deals with personal finance (and if you don’t, you either have too much money or you should). I loved the post on...

Exits on 11/02/2006

Well it has been a very very bad month and I am getting badly beaten up by the market. I am taking a breather for the rest of the week (today and tomorrow) to try and start fresh on Monday. I am learning a thing or two about my system though: I have lost over 20R in...