Repair a thin pool

Repair a thin pool

I use ProxMox in my home lab which has been really helpful to spin up VMs as needed for tests and experiments. I recently ran into an issue with the LVM thin pool used by ProxMox. The metadata space was completely full. The metadata space reported by lvs -a was...

Org2blog post to WordPress

First org2blog post I recently switched to emacs after years (prob > 15) on vi/vim. The main reason I decided to dabble in emacs is to play around with org-mode. so far I am really happy with result and though the transition has been difficult, I’m getting...

IT Cost Cutting on Wall Street

Wall Street’s Mission: Cutting Costs While Staying Competitive By Ivy Schmerken January 10, 2013 URL: A flood of new regulations, coupled with falling profits from once-lucrative areas such as derivatives and equities trading, has Wall Street firms making some...