Dear blog readers,

I almost never post anything NOT stock market related on this blog but once a year, I allow myself this one, to support our local efforts at the Relay For Life organized by the American Cancer Society.

Because we truly believe we can make a difference and because last year was not only a success but also a great time, my wife and I have again decided to repeat the team experience in our local “Relay for Life” on Friday May 30th 2008.

Relay For Life is an overnight event that brings our community together to help support the American Cancer Society and its lifesaving mission to eliminate cancer as a major health problem.

We invite you and your children to join ours or any other team and walk with us on May 30th. If you can’t join us, please visit the site and make a donation to support our efforts. The ACS website lists all the relays by zip code if you want to try and find one in your area. Either way, you will make a real difference in the lives of people facing cancer – and in the lives of the people who love them. Thank you!

For state fundraising notices and the American Cancer Society’s Privacy Policy.

Click here to visit my personal page.

Click here to view the team page for Team Kibou (hope in Japanese)