PageOnce is the first Personal Internet Assistant web site. The site is currently in beta but they expect to be fully open for business soon. The site basically allows you to centralize access to a lot of other sites, making it a great birds eye view of your web tool. Accounts are categorized so you can quickly look at your email accounts (Gmail, Yahoo, etc.), at your financial accounts (Banks, Credit Cards, etc.) or your social sites (myspace, facebook, linkedin, plaxo, multiply and more).

On the main page, the update feed gives you important updates from your various accouts:

Adding an account is very simple:

And the impressive feature is PageOne will capture keywords from other accounts to suggest new one. A couple of Amazon charges show up on your credit card and PageOnce may recommend added your Amazon account. This is excellent since a lot of these websites I don’t visit a lot and it would take me a while to remember to add them in my personal assistant. It is also convenient since accounts are added constantly, these reminders will help assure all the important onces are listed in PageOnce.
Overall, this new arrival could be a great time saver for busy poeple with a lot of online activity.
Check it out!