Here is the list of my candidates for today. I will not trade all of those but will start watching them for short-term reversals.

Date Sym L/S Close MA(200) Vol MA(100) Reason
20071105 AACC 10.22 -1.00 295585 1
20071105 BID 50.58 45.81 1850041 1
20071105 CBAK 5.3 4.46 1676458 1
20071105 CHNR 24.73 11.79 458059 1
20071105 CRNT 15.8 10.97 1304192 1
20071105 EFUT 20.39 19.77 521841 1
20071105 FLR 146.7 112.04 1462585 1
20071105 GNTX 19.87 18.84 1142042 1
20071105 GRMN 95.08 76.37 4509579 1
20071105 IIG 22.35 21.99 263642 1
20071105 LTM 55.94 54.05 692691 1
20071105 LVS 112.77 96.52 3850690 1
20071105 M 30.7 -1.00 6631710 1
20071105 MM 48.31 46.30 337199 1
20071105 MOGN 31.83 23.89 1208677 1
20071105 NCMI 25.96 -1.00 295766 1
20071105 OC 22.59 -1.00 812936 1
20071105 PDX 60.9 57.96 262409 1, 2, 3, 4
20071105 PHO 21.15 20.22 665438 1
20071105 PWER 5.02 4.96 559065 1
20071105 SSTR 2.67 2.02 1129765 1
20071105 TMTA 12.51 1.85 2615466 1
20071105 TTM 18.19 18.01 1053577 1
20071105 UMC 3.52 3.42 7000293 1
20071105 WYNN 145.4 112.11 2296711 1
20071105 ZOLT 39.92 37.90 758328 1

1. 5 Consecutive down days.
2. Volume is 30% over the 10-day moving average.
3. Volume is 70% over the 30-day moving average.
4. Volume is 50% over the 50-day moving average.

Happy Trading!