Here is the list of my candidates for today. I will not trade all of those but will start watching them for short-term reversals.

Date Sym L/S Close MA(200) Vol MA(100) Reason
20071018 ANF 79.19 77.8357 1987032.03 1
20071018 ASH 64.43 62.9236 799708.2 1
20071018 BBND 5.59 -1 668283.52 1, 4
20071018 BEZ 41.78 41.6724 594857.09 1
20071018 DLTR 39.02 38.829 1415124.33 1
20071018 EXG 17.13 -1 704817.02 1
20071018 GDI 38.5 38.48575 442589.65 1
20071018 HRH 44.74 44.6413 261563 1
20071018 KBE 50.69 -1 850473.8 1
20071018 LAMR 51.8 -1 1244295.51 1, 4
20071018 LMT 109.01 98.67315 2406301.73 1
20071018 MAC 88.3 88.2832499999999 713064.59 1
20071018 MM 54.15 45.4588 333200.08 1, 2
20071018 NSH 31.4 -1 250631.2 1
20071018 OC 24.47 -1 809510.2 1
20071018 ORCL 21.43 19.0899325 31945000.13 1
20071018 PCS 22.1 -1 1490583.28 1, 2, 3, 4
20071018 QXM 12.18 -1 376655 1
20071018 ROK 67.81 65.7538 1332017.38 1, 2
20071018 RRGB 40.04 39.5861 356886 1
20071018 SBNY 33.77 33.0354245 276788.46 1
20071018 TJX 28.9 28.5327 4357187.1 1
20071018 TOPT 6.1 5.733209 615876.24 1
20071018 UA 56.03 52.6376 1460254.15 1
20071018 WCRX 18.3 16.8132545 555929.38 1
20071018 WGL 33.64 32.7702 468328.41 1

1. 5 Consecutive down days.
2. Volume is 30% over the 10-day moving average.
3. Volume is 70% over the 30-day moving average.
4. Volume is 50% over the 50-day moving average.

Happy Trading!