Here is the list of my candidates for today. I will not trade all of those but will start watching them for short-term reversals.

Date Sym L/S Close MA(200) Vol MA(100) Reason
20071017 ANF 79.75 77.79505 1992443.03 1
20071017 ATS 2.7505 1.920029 263881.28 1
20071017 AVX 16.43 16.0556 380186.41 1
20071017 BBND 5.85 -1 660363.27 1, 2, 4
20071017 BEZ 41.85 41.62975 595967.09 1
20071017 BPHX 18.8 10.4375965 508321.24 1
20071017 CR 46.7 42.63151 311892.13 1
20071017 CSIQ 10.05 9.891619 305965.55 1
20071017 EXG 17.19 -1 700142.32 1
20071017 FDS 70.7 62.7531 394680 1
20071017 FRT 86.63 86.3316500000001 433227 1
20071017 GDI 38.67 38.47535 443082.65 1
20071017 HCN 43.73 42.9002 849906.44 1
20071017 IR 51.8 48.27245 2763004.55 1
20071017 KBE 51.27 -1 842650.8 1, 2, 3, 4
20071017 KTC 23.64 23.51655 496756.79 1
20071017 LAMR 52.04 -1 1221717.53 1
20071017 MAC 88.69 88.2768499999999 720359.59 1
20071017 MLI 33.97 33.2562 286290 1
20071017 MM 54.23 45.3818 334040.08 1
20071017 MMPI 4.61 -1 269215.36 1, 2
20071017 NNN 24.64 23.7336 798557.2 1
20071017 OC 24.59 -1 809577.2 1
20071017 OMG 53.45 50.56285 740759.48 1
20071017 ORCL 21.49 19.0703325 31891652.83 1, 2
20071017 PPH 80.49 80.416708 899644 1
20071017 ROK 68.81 65.7194 1325265.38 1
20071017 RRGB 40.12 39.5609 360977.56 1
20071017 SBNY 33.98 33.0214745 275970.58 1
20071017 SEED 9.95 8.61603500000001 716435.06 1
20071017 TOPT 6.18 5.726059 618404.15 1
20071017 WCRX 18.5 16.7915545 558057.82 1

1. 5 Consecutive down days.
2. Volume is 30% over the 10-day moving average.
3. Volume is 70% over the 30-day moving average.
4. Volume is 50% over the 50-day moving average.

Happy Trading!