Here is the list of my candidates for today. I will not trade all of those but will start watching them for short-term reversals.

Date Sym L/S Close MA(200) Vol MA(100) Reason
20070828 CLWR 21.79 -1 1238792.32 1
20070828 FIF 29.5 28.092505 273227.57 1, 2, 4
20070828 MEDX 16.58 14.2257775 2788717.65 1
20070828 PDGI 27.55 26.17425 285744.96 1
20070828 TRAK 37.42 32.28655 281761.99 1

1. 5 Consecutive down days.
2. Volume is 30% over the 10-day moving average.
3. Volume is 70% over the 30-day moving average.
4. Volume is 50% over the 50-day moving average.

Happy Trading!