Here is the list of my candidates for today. I will not trade all of those but will start watching them for short-term reversals.

Date Sym L/S Close MA(200) Vol MA(100) Reason
20070731 ACL 136.5 125.3294 479526.59 1, 2, 4
20070731 CEG 83.8 79.32025 1738288.37 1
20070731 CHTT 56.16 55.624985 363217.18 1
20070731 COR 2.66 2.1207425 301587 1
20070731 CSC 55.68 54.1848 1528901.18 1
20070731 CUP 6.065 4.538419 1066154.5 1
20070731 FRH 10.58 -1 625969 1
20070731 GSF 71.71 61.89995 4895433.62 1
20070731 HPQ 46.03 42.22735 14008126.67 1
20070731 IIIN 19.37 18.0634 265976.92 1
20070731 INFA 13.94 13.7060495 1504649.36 1, 4
20070731 KSU 34.51 33.901 689964.31 1
20070731 LOCM 6.86 4.765583 1332576.08 1
20070731 LYO 44.9 31.54995 5050975.45 1, 4
20070731 MAN 79.05 78.8883 685875.59 1, 3, 4
20070731 MCD 47.87 46.27445 7381499.52000001 1
20070731 MHK 90.01 86.2929499999999 726622.65 1
20070731 NATI 32.35 29.172 386095.87 1
20070731 NM 13.05 -1 844570.36 1
20070731 NOVC 7.94 7.6529495 519010.04 1
20070731 NPSP 4.31 4.207775 433454.93 1
20070731 ORCL 19.12 18.45215 30530114.03 1
20070731 PDE 35.05 31.71915 3090271.98 1
20070731 RHT 20.82 -1 2187275.46 1
20070731 RIG 107.45 85.2675 6033827.87 1
20070731 SAFM 39.87 35.3416 490146.1 1, 2, 3, 4
20070731 WPI 30.42 28.18255 1087202.75 1

1. 5 Consecutive down days.
2. Volume is 30% over the 10-day moving average.
3. Volume is 70% over the 30-day moving average.
4. Volume is 50% over the 50-day moving average.

Happy Trading!