Here is the list of my candidates for today. I will not trade all of those but will start watching them for short-term reversals.

Date Sym L/S Close MA(200) Vol MA(100) Reason
20070719 ADI 38.41 34.916 3997218.9 1
20070719 AGYS 21.32 19.5787 355390.88 1
20070719 CBR 8.06 7.46995 298924.24 1
20070719 CEN 34.86 30.5538 1554283.19 1, 2, 3, 4
20070719 CNA 46.65 42.9385 396274.42 1
20070719 CPRT 29.89 29.45795 501713.97 1, 2
20070719 CRY 10.4 9.17005 251588.17 1
20070719 CS 71.96 70.101365 578966.95 1
20070719 CYTC 43.76 32.48535 1785962.18 1
20070719 DJ 55.4 41.7825 2478512.91 1
20070719 DRH 19.37 18.33855 854272.7 1
20070719 FUL 28.76 26.2792 646391.85 1, 2
20070719 GES 50.11 38.114375 1352743.01 1
20070719 GM 35.38 32.40915 12600438.11 1
20070719 HD 39.7 38.81525 14853238.48 1
20070719 HMIN 31.7 -1 534935.14 1
20070719 HTLD 16.49 16.42965 564236.18 1
20070719 JCG 52.7 39.7875 658353.17 1
20070719 NFS 60.16 55.47245 292064 1
20070719 NTG 49.49 36.7615 255694.22 1
20070719 PBY 19.09 16.87585 683569.98 1
20070719 PHH 31.08 29.53675 784161.64 1
20070719 PRST 8.4 6.390475 277658.85 1
20070719 PRX 25.17 24.28995 608324.87 1
20070719 RX 29.9 29.33115 1146624.12 1, 2, 3, 4
20070719 RYI 35.97 32.5907 825645.26 1
20070719 SAF 60.31 -1 721050.29 1
20070719 SFC 14.25 13.24055 1849580.14 1
20070719 SLE 17.05 16.98515 3906955.25 1
20070719 SNP 107 87.52505 493402.52 1
20070719 TVL 18.13 13.4109 261877.68 1, 2
20070719 USBE 10.63 -1 343784.76 1
20070719 WSH 42.99 41.07375 658713.62 1
20070719 WTW 51.25 49.49255 318492.6 1

1. 5 Consecutive down days.
2. Volume is 30% over the 10-day moving average.
3. Volume is 70% over the 30-day moving average.
4. Volume is 50% over the 50-day moving average.

Happy Trading!