Here is the list of my candidates for today. I will not trade all of those but will start watching them for short-term reversals.

Date Sym L/S Close MA(200) Vol MA(100) Reason
20070629 AHO 12.52 11.0917 590663.78 1
20070629 AIG 70.03 69.46505 10169497.05 1
20070629 ARWR 5.03 4.96331 292050.19 1
20070629 CAT 78.3 67.049 5651097.18 1, 2
20070629 CENTA 11.73 -1 432524.01 1
20070629 COR 2.66 2.1543925 374575 1
20070629 CYTR 3.12 2.966369 2210363.31 1
20070629 DBC 25.7 24.714585 295325 1
20070629 DOW 44.22 42.4689 7197342.2 1
20070629 DTV 23.11 22.9568 5486049.75 1
20070629 EBHI 12.85 10.306495 551049.21 1
20070629 FEIC 32.46 29.734625 686671.96 1
20070629 FFIV 80.6 71.1221005 1111166.3 1
20070629 FITB 39.77 39.71825 3103621.7 1
20070629 GTN 9.27 8.3431 302994.36 1
20070629 MM 44.07 39.7589 367370.98 1
20070629 MTSN 9.7 9.27 422545.87 1
20070629 PRST 7.99 6.34762499999999 284809.35 1
20070629 S 20.71 19.3632 18954847.76 1, 2, 4
20070629 VNDA 20.26 20.11071 824277.9 1
20070629 WSH 44.06 40.68265 694162.85 1, 2
20070629 XRX 18.48 17.25835 4576753.27 1

1. 5 Consecutive down days.
2. Volume is 30% over the 10-day moving average.
3. Volume is 70% over the 30-day moving average.
4. Volume is 50% over the 50-day moving average.

Happy Trading!