Here is the list of my candidates for today. I will not trade all of those but will start watching them for short-term reversals.

Date Sym L/S Close MA(200) Vol MA(100) Reason
20080520 ACO 31.27 32.37 295801 2
20080520 ACS 54.18 48.73 960814 1
20080520 ACXM 13.49 14.25 502287 2
20080520 ALSK 11.83 13.48 510477 2, 3
20080520 AOD 17.55 17.94 496606 2
20080520 APOG 21.96 20.75 420321 1
20080520 CBU 23.66 21.50 325375 1
20080520 CEC 35.24 28.29 477355 1
20080520 CEPH 67.79 68.98 1662244 2
20080520 CNL 24.96 25.03 470631 2
20080520 CNO 11.7 12.73 1286297 2, 3, 4
20080520 CNS 31.01 30.15 350942 1, 3
20080520 CRS 60.72 85.99 755495 2
20080520 CSL 32.28 38.72 569609 2
20080520 CTRN 18.97 18.06 296102 1
20080520 CYPB 8.02 10.53 447474 2, 3, 4, 5
20080520 DISH 35.3 36.72 2799095 2, 3, 4, 5
20080520 EPIX 1.93 3.18 290215 2, 3
20080520 FNFG 14.22 12.98 1495051 1
20080520 FRED 10.68 9.95 488853 1
20080520 HLIT 8.74 9.55 1631430 2
20080520 HUM 48.06 65.27 3817208 2, 3, 4
20080520 HW 11.54 13.15 902483 2
20080520 IT 22.13 20.51 716972 1
20080520 IWOV 12.87 12.94 466266 2
20080520 KCI 40.77 52.90 1155923 2
20080520 MIC 32.67 35.64 334239 2
20080520 MYL 12.46 13.87 8497873 2
20080520 NLS 6.07 5.71 432279 1
20080520 PAA 47.51 51.23 416737 2
20080520 PEG 43.91 73.96 2500138 2, 3
20080520 PFCB 28.82 28.77 989787 1, 3
20080520 PKG 25.6 25.80 1405994 2
20080520 ROK 57.95 63.27 1655659 2, 3, 5
20080520 SA 24.7 27.10 338540 2
20080520 SQM 34.28 148.78 333419 2, 3, 5
20080520 SSRI 30.74 34.44 926298 2
20080520 TLEO 19.68 22.91 364671 2
20080520 UA 37.66 47.21 1801227 2
20080520 URBN 30.38 26.90 4316521 1
20080520 USU 6.66 8.37 4197964 2, 3
20080520 VLO 50.12 61.30 9908372 2
20080520 WTS 27.75 29.72 568197 2

1. 5 Consecutive down days.
2. 5 Consecutive up days.
3. Volume is 30% over the 10-day moving average.
4. Volume is 70% over the 30-day moving average.
5. Volume is 50% over the 50-day moving average.

Happy Trading!