Here is the list of my candidates for today. I will not trade all of those but will start watching them for short-term reversals.

Date Sym L/S Close MA(200) Vol MA(100) Reason
20070514 ALAN 2.97 1.75919 266469.71 1
20070514 AUO 15.4 14.333875 1498523.51 1
20070514 AVP 38.1 33.75335 2540879.35 1, 3, 4
20070514 AXE 70.69 59.3391 684694.59 1, 2
20070514 BCE 33.41 26.84365 857536.79 1
20070514 CCOI 23.22 17.20765 547630.31 1
20070514 CEN 34.1 27.92925 1306195.31 1
20070514 CHD 49.52 43.65995 321063.18 1
20070514 COO 50.13 50.091755 825995.33 1
20070514 CYTC 34.47 28.33585 913189.95 1
20070514 DHR 71.09 70.58155 1442939.34 1
20070514 EDA 11.32 9.0658985 526027.04 1
20070514 ELNK 7.73 7.136525 2666979.78 1
20070514 FEIC 35.39 27.28583 617893.45 1
20070514 GTN 9.27 7.7633 299015.56 1
20070514 ID 19.97 15.76525 684144.26 1
20070514 IFF 50.89 45.2033 526516.3 1
20070514 IMMU 4.82 3.413685 785145.36 1
20070514 KEM 8.01 7.80819999999999 984862.12 1
20070514 MLM 142.04 106.5473 752708.59 1
20070514 NICE 36.24 31.35295 266835.82 1, 4
20070514 NTMD 3.1 2.997935 358666.02 1
20070514 OEH 52.36 44.6781 540453.56 1, 2
20070514 OMCL 21.68 19.11875 325113.29 1
20070514 PLLL 22.53 20.8096 631362.26 1, 2
20070514 RRGB 39.73 39.55015 273857 1
20070514 VION 1.79 1.45237 797367.97 1
20070514 WCI 20.01 18.83515 1550642.24 1
20070514 WCRX 15.98 -1 495170.23 1, 2, 3, 4
20070514 XCO 16.88 15.18355 536670.63 1, 2, 3, 4

1. 5 Consecutive down days.
2. Volume is 30% over the 10-day moving average.
3. Volume is 70% over the 30-day moving average.
4. Volume is 50% over the 50-day moving average.

Happy Trading!