Here is the list of my candidates for today. I will not trade all of those but will start watching them for short-term reversals.

Date Sym L/S Close MA(200) Vol MA(100) Reason
20080512 ACL 154.12 144.35 424502 1
20080512 ADVS 41.9 46.07 377710 2
20080512 AU 40.5 40.72 2093328 2
20080512 BCE 37.86 38.18 605056 2, 3, 4, 5
20080512 BKI 9.59 13.37 442837 2, 5
20080512 CMTL 43.45 46.48 367250 2, 3, 4, 5
20080512 CRS 58.25 87.65 720590 2
20080512 CYMI 27.68 34.45 853970 2
20080512 DTE 42.85 45.18 1304392 2
20080512 ERIC 25.5 27.51 4882528 2
20080512 HOKU 8.25 9.23 944267 2, 3
20080512 JCOM 23.95 26.25 618525 2
20080512 LDG 44.98 47.72 553730 2
20080512 MCRS 32.07 54.02 912080 2
20080512 MOH 25.35 33.52 388182 2
20080512 NCX 27.91 31.61 785174 2
20080512 NTY 31.33 32.33 931719 2
20080512 NVTL 9.29 16.91 1411713 2
20080512 OCR 24.72 25.66 1805912 2
20080512 PTRY 13.05 25.78 620920 2
20080512 RBI 10.5 10.21 259321 1
20080512 SKIL 9.76 9.14 315690 1, 3
20080512 TWB 20.49 28.25 813039 2, 3
20080512 XRM 4.1 4.47 340757 2, 5

1. 5 Consecutive down days.
2. 5 Consecutive up days.
3. Volume is 30% over the 10-day moving average.
4. Volume is 70% over the 30-day moving average.
5. Volume is 50% over the 50-day moving average.

Happy Trading!