Candidates for 05/02/2008

Here is the list of my candidates for today. I will not trade all of those but will start watching them for short-term reversals.

Date Sym L/S Close MA(200) Vol MA(100) Reason
20080501 ABK 5.03 33.48 13519253 2
20080501 ADS 58.41 67.52 2955268 2
20080501 AGYS 11.3 14.70 337194 2
20080501 ALK 22.32 23.81 782782 2
20080501 ANGO 14.97 17.77 258143 2
20080501 APKT 9.31 11.36 317225 2
20080501 ASCA 18.01 25.07 510415 2
20080501 AXP 51.33 52.97 11466666 2, 3, 5
20080501 BOBE 29 29.48 475773 2
20080501 BWS 17.42 17.65 704079 2
20080501 CECO 20.39 24.45 2366968 2
20080501 CELL 9.76 12.86 1196560 2, 3, 4, 5
20080501 CENT 5.25 7.40 341835 2
20080501 CHNR 21.2901 19.92 348923 1
20080501 CLMS 20 24.24 299411 2, 3, 5
20080501 CM 75.24 81.05 428582 2
20080501 CNO 12.07 13.22 1239508 2, 3
20080501 CQB 22.09 18.42 1000624 1, 3
20080501 DCP 17.96 20.88 380888 2
20080501 DF 23.53 25.34 1971762 2
20080501 DGX 50.49 52.32 1384132 2
20080501 DST 60.59 76.28 935945 2
20080501 EQ 43.08 50.39 1600909 2, 3, 4, 5
20080501 EQY 24.45 24.41 657334 1, 3, 4, 5
20080501 ETY 16.81 16.90 497812 2
20080501 EVV 15.4 15.46 308466 2
20080501 HLTH 11.26 12.72 2036431 2
20080501 HPOL 2.52 3.67 284305 2, 3
20080501 IACI 21.23 25.78 3147409 2, 3
20080501 IDA 32.8 32.94 447319 2
20080501 JNPR 28.62 30.32 11747580 2
20080501 KMT 35.38 58.62 708760 2
20080501 LNC 55.48 58.00 2135974 2
20080501 LTM 37.58 47.46 1030462 2
20080501 LXU 15.48 21.77 282796 2
20080501 MENT 10.4 11.45 1578436 2
20080501 MER 52.39 59.87 26650735 2
20080501 MESA .96 3.78 660617 2, 3, 4, 5
20080501 MI 26.2 32.73 3552462 2
20080501 MTN 49.73 52.00 602789 2
20080501 MWA/B 8.53 9.81 314781 2, 3, 5
20080501 NKTR 5.09 7.11 1437648 2
20080501 NOK 30.48 34.66 17610466 2
20080501 NST 32.81 33.21 498863 2
20080501 NUS 17.88 16.76 370429 1, 3, 4, 5
20080501 OFIX 34.5 48.53 263732 2, 3, 4, 5
20080501 OMCL 12.21 23.44 822401 2
20080501 OMPI 8.7299 16.04 321731 2
20080501 PHH 19.95 22.01 770391 2, 3
20080501 PHK 13.02 13.12 384605 2
20080501 PVH 43.29 43.55 1227108 2
20080501 Q 5.3 6.90 19342907 2, 3, 4, 5
20080501 RECN 20.82 22.17 553817 2
20080501 RT 9.06 13.47 1191810 2, 3, 4, 5
20080501 RYAAY 28.04 36.62 977003 2
20080501 SCI 11.19 12.19 1529978 2
20080501 SCSS 3.09 9.76 1032449 2
20080501 SKYW 19.64 24.14 628106 2
20080501 SPAR 9.8 11.22 482176 2, 5
20080501 STKL 5.66 10.52 759863 2
20080501 SUG 26.26 28.61 862646 2
20080501 SVU 33.88 35.41 2507146 2
20080501 TLK 39.08 44.69 353902 2
20080501 VZ 39.32 40.94 16033988 2
20080501 WOOF 33.09 37.96 956612 2
20080501 XL 36.65 56.46 2947942 2

1. 5 Consecutive down days.
2. 5 Consecutive up days.
3. Volume is 30% over the 10-day moving average.
4. Volume is 70% over the 30-day moving average.
5. Volume is 50% over the 50-day moving average.

Happy Trading!

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