Here is the list of my candidates for today. I will not trade all of those but will start watching them for short-term reversals.

Date Sym L/S Close MA(200) Vol MA(100) Reason
20080409 ACLS 5.3 4.97 896202 1
20080409 AER 19.78 22.89 475827 2
20080409 ALTU 5.37 9.07 273495 2, 3, 4, 5
20080409 ANSS 36.13 35.03 791641 1
20080409 ATK 107.59 107.89 316010 2, 3
20080409 BKC 27.13 25.79 1220775 1
20080409 BP 64.91 69.39 4235542 2
20080409 CBU 23.83 20.64 298324 1
20080409 EW 46.69 47.49 430886 2, 3
20080409 FTI 62.57 64.29 1807295 2
20080409 HBHC 40.12 38.58 251649 1
20080409 HCBK 17.86 14.87 7986171 1
20080409 HLEX 26.9 27.41 310763 2, 3
20080409 ILE .8099 2.19 269013 2, 3
20080409 IOC 20.3 24.33 614277 2
20080409 JOE 40.54 36.26 1048206 1
20080409 LINE 22.63 27.68 1163450 2
20080409 MRK 40.94 51.35 17626972 2
20080409 NDAQ 39.33 39.21 2503545 1
20080409 NITE 15.86 14.58 2164667 1
20080409 NPBC 17.2 16.34 582272 1
20080409 NU 25.76 28.55 1196805 2
20080409 OKE 47.63 47.71 687608 2
20080409 PEG 42.14 80.48 2348811 2
20080409 PER 14.85 14.82 611578 1
20080409 RDS/A 73.57 78.12 1789937 2
20080409 RDS/B 72.37 77.72 443780 2
20080409 RTI 50.71 66.93 685979 2
20080409 SMSI 7.95 11.21 838676 2, 3
20080409 SUP 20.17 19.69 293773 1
20080409 TMO 56.55 55.35 3026136 1
20080409 UNS 24.28 29.55 434529 2
20080409 UTHR 82.16 81.17 717934 1, 3
20080409 WWW 29.04 26.12 470146 1, 3

1. 5 Consecutive down days.
2. 5 Consecutive up days.
3. Volume is 30% over the 10-day moving average.
4. Volume is 70% over the 30-day moving average.
5. Volume is 50% over the 50-day moving average.

Happy Trading!