Here is the list of my candidates for today. I will not trade all of those but will start watching them for short-term reversals.

Date Sym L/S Close MA(200) Vol MA(100) Reason
20080331 ACUS .479 1.17 386550 2, 3, 4, 5
20080331 AES 16.67 20.10 4948334 2
20080331 AU 33.96 41.43 2066545 2
20080331 AWI 35.66 40.77 313142 2
20080331 CHRW 54.4 51.50 1875786 1
20080331 CYCL 5.91 8.43 1304585 2
20080331 E 68.11 70.38 741512 2
20080331 EWD 30.08 32.98 322933 2
20080331 EWT 15.85 15.74 11286600 1
20080331 EXEL 6.95 9.37 1183450 2
20080331 GWR 34.4 28.28 323102 1
20080331 IRC 15.21 15.01 498433 1
20080331 OHI 17.36 15.88 443092 1
20080331 PKI 24.25 26.55 1118125 2
20080331 SLE 13.98 15.68 6432478 2
20080331 STO 29.87 30.40 1482245 2
20080331 TEG 46.64 50.45 509225 2
20080331 VARI 57.92 61.21 303364 2, 3, 4
20080331 VLTR 11.33 11.43 295407 2
20080331 WIND 7.74 9.69 999608 2