Following Teresa‘s post on bloggers and the information blogs contain and Michelle’s reply on, I decided I should make a short comment. First, I am the proud writter of the perfect example of a blog Tereasa would hate and the reader of many of them. I also think two important aspects where forgotten here.

One, the market information on the web and the blogs are not only there for seasoned traders or market professionals. John Doe at home, who is just getting interesested in the market may be out there also, looking for answers to his million questions. To him, a blog which contains nothing interesting for Teresa may contain a wealth of information.

Second, the content of blogs is sometimes personal. Books and paid services have to provide a certain level of information. Something that is polished and ready for the masses. Blogs often contain information that is more personal like the thought process facing a particular problem. If you get to “know” a blogger, you may be interested in his toughts and his reactions to one topic or another.

I agree that not that many blogs contain good technical of factual information on the market but that doesn’t mean they don’t contain a lof valuable information for many.