Candidates for 05/02/2007

Here is the list of my candidates for today. I will not trade all of those but will start watching them for short-term reversals.

Date Sym L/S Close MA(200) Vol MA(100) Reason
20070501 ABXA 6.45 6.22715 305440.48 1, 2, 3, 4
20070501 ACEL 2.45 1.679395 300308.18 1, 4
20070501 AGEN 3.02 2.0498 488574.87 1
20070501 AHG 31.5 25.5172 801537.71 1, 2
20070501 AIRN 3.66 3.390485 389005.51 1, 2
20070501 AKR 26.69 25.66365 286352 1, 2
20070501 AMAG 65.17 49.7462 304274.4 1, 2
20070501 ASX 5.79 5.33095 342006.13 1
20070501 BVN 32.2 28.01808 479483.86 1
20070501 CBL 45.14 43.42915 487124 1
20070501 CEDC 29.7175 26.7595375 318228.55 1
20070501 CPWR 9.7675 8.3881375 2751874.33 1
20070501 CRAY 12 11.937075 327981.54 1, 2
20070501 CTXS 32.59 31.403295 3332166.95 1
20070501 CX 32.29 32.09515 3075602.8 1, 2
20070501 DRE 43.01 40.98135 775939.62 1
20070501 ENER 34.91 34.864 1407666.93 1
20070501 GAP 31.31 27.3024 505778 1
20070501 GSK 57.51 54.8142 1535267.85 1
20070501 GWR 26.91 26.1942 294749.07 1
20070501 HANS 37.27 34.539115 2335844.22 1
20070501 HPT 45.26 44.905695 885532.18 1
20070501 HS 22.87 20.5733 453755 1
20070501 HXM 57.13 49.04865 440980.77 1
20070501 ILE 3.97 3.45025 254116 1
20070501 INGN 4.58 4.511557 292328.73 1
20070501 LI 34.22 29.917 1119866 1
20070501 LTXX 5.88 5.4309 801126.3 1
20070501 MAC 94.75 84.19395 606319.5 1, 2
20070501 MHS 72.15 60.69865 3068845.93 1, 2, 3, 4
20070501 MIPS 8.48 7.92245 443416.79 1
20070501 NNN 23.9 22.8914 560896 1, 2
20070501 NYNY 8.5 8.20627000000001 470085.41 1, 2, 3
20070501 OMC 104.1 98.9165 1162154.16 1, 2
20070501 ONSM 2.39 1.727335 1343090.3 1
20070501 RL 90.04 74.99195 819875.22 1, 2, 3, 4
20070501 ROST 33.1325 29.8046125 1296857.54 1, 2
20070501 RRI 22.21 15.0755 3337059.43 1
20070501 RTI 80.39 67.7435 777701.8 1, 2, 3, 4
20070501 RVI 20.28 18.17345 347971.53 1
20070501 RYI 40.35 28.1518 985342.79 1
20070501 SKT 40.45 37.89795 309727 1
20070501 SMDI 8.81 8.1766 933455.86 1, 2, 3, 4
20070501 SSW 27.37 23.6483 252023 1, 3, 4
20070501 TROW 49.51 45.85078 1189634.31 1
20070501 UIS 7.8 7.1322 2828014.68 1, 4
20070501 UTEK 13.72 13.5911 278618.77 1
20070501 WCG 80.06 68.51175 938754.12 1
20070501 WCRX 16.61 -1 494973.04 1
20070501 ZIXI 2.09 1.277485 649689.48 1

1. 5 Consecutive down days.
2. Volume is 30% over the 10-day moving average.
3. Volume is 70% over the 30-day moving average.
4. Volume is 50% over the 50-day moving average.

Happy Trading!

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